Thursday, February 28, 2008

Little Shop of Horrors

We just received a huge shipment of mannequins the other day. Charlie is such a busybot. The other night I heard him rustling through boxes and he spent the night in the hallway creating something that looks like a cross between "Texas Chainsaw Massacre" and "Dead Silence". Imagine what this looks like in the middle of the night with the lights out.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Plans for 2008

Our first products ever were our Preppy Print shirts. We only stumbled upon the British Flashcards after a couple of fairs.

With Spring and Summer just around the corner, we decided to bring back the Prep.

Here is what you can expect:
  • Preppy Prints
  • Polos
  • Biggie Monograms
  • Superhero Monograms
  • European Microcars
  • and more British Flashcards

We look forward to introducing our new designs.

Charlie and Sarah

European Microcar- The Peel Trident

The Peel Trident Microcar is a car of the past with looks of the future. Its design allows its driver fuel efficiency. You could go for miles in this looker.

If you want to see this bubble car in action, watch these videos: